Saturday, November 1, 2008

My how time flies by

I can't belive how fast the time goes by. It has already been 1 month since Kennedy was born. At her 2 week appointment she was up to 7lbs. That is up from her leaving the hospital at 5lbs 13oz. She has had such a busy month. First her aunt Keri came in town and all the girls went up and stayed a night in Heber, (yes it was her first night away from her dad) and then we had family pictures taken with my family at Wheeler Farm and she was actually awake for them and then last she celebrated Halloween and was so cute as an itsy bitsy spider. She and her cousin Harley got their pictures taken in their costumes and they are so cute together.


*The Hales Family* said...

those pictures are really good, colin never stayed awake so that is awesome. And she looked so cute in her little costume, what a babe

The Johnsons said...

It was so good to see you yesterday! Kennedy is so cute! I loved her spider costume. I can't believe what big miracles are packed in little tiny packages!

AS Amber said...

Aw! I love her!!! I heard she's learned how to smile...which I can see on the pix. She looks just like you when she's smiling!

AS Amber said...

Oh, and WOW!!! That Harley is such a CUTIE! His parents must be super cute too!

Unknown said...

Hey! These babies are exceptionally adorable, but you've heard me say that already. Question: How do I become a follower on your blog? I keep trying to sign up but - um - can't?